The Polynesian traditions and customs fit the model of a culture based on ancient principles, yet very honorable and
noble. The culture is " family and community centered " that works mainly due to the subsistence lifestyle essential
to their survival in these small islands. This Polynesian culture fluorished because people lived close to each other
in villages, they had scarce resources such as lands and foods, of which almost all things needed to be shared. This
type of culture was very functional and essential to their survival in isolated and limited Polynesia.
As far as Polynesians being from outerspace or extra-terrestrial beings, well the Egyptians have the same theories placed
on their origins. Those are speculations and .....................................visit
References: (1) Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (2) Genetics 2002 (3) PNAS 2000 (4) World Encyclopedias (5) Pacific
COPYRIGHT 2003 to Peter Leiataua AhChing at John A. Burns School of Medicine & University of Hawaii at Manoa.