Early work by Thor Heyerdahl of Oslo, Norway a Viking Norwegian proposed the origins of Polynesians from South America.
Kon Tiki was the raft of which took 101 days to reach Eastern Polynesia from South America in 1947. Heyerdahl's theory at
the time 1947 was based on the physical properties of the ocean currents allowing travels or drifting migrations of species
from the Americas into Eastern Polynesia. Heyerdahl's theory supports the presence of certain plants (ocean drifters) common
in coastal Americas and in Eastern Polynesia. The same understanding of ocean currents puzzled Captain James Cook when he
first arrived to Polynesia in 1700s. James Cook soon learned from the Polynesian natives of Tahiti that the ocean currents and
winds switched periodically during the year allowing counter travels and migrations, allowing Polynesian voyages from
West to East Polynesia and vice versa.
Thor Heyerdahl at the time of Kon Tiki in 1947 had not studied Western Polynesia specifically the oldest Polynesian area
of Samoa and Tonga 2000BC. Thor Heyerdahls ideas of Kon Tiki were at the time biased of inclinations of South America and
References: (1) Thor Heyerdahl's Theories (2) Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (3) Genetics 2002 (4) PNAS 2000 (5) World
Encyclopedias (6) Pacific Journals.
COPYRIGHT 2003 Peter Leiataua AhChing at John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Hawaii Federal
& State Court Officer.